How many days Period be Delayed without being Pregnant

March 08, 2018

How long can the period be delayed without being pregnant? The delay of menstruation is a situation that occurs when the symptoms of this period do not appear on the expected day. Keep in mind that the body of each woman may have a more or less irregular menstrual cycle. So that the delay of the rule may vary from one woman to another. Factors such as stress, anxiety, nerves, an inadequate diet or other alterations of the organism can be some of the causes of the delay of the menstrual period.

If you are concerned about the question of How many days Period be Delayed without being Pregnant. In this article  we will give you the answer, besides considering other important aspects if you find yourself in this situation.

Causes for which the Rule is Delayed

Assuming that one of the reasons why menstruation is delayed is not pregnancy, there are different factors that can alter the normal procedure by which a woman has the rule:
  1. Stress
  2. Anxiety
  3. Nerves
  4. Inadequate diet
  5. Weightloss
  6. Polycystic ovary syndrome
  7. Premenopause
  8. Hormonal contraceptives
  9. Vaginal infection
  10. Side effects of medications

How the Menstrual Cycle Works

To better understand this process and understand why the rule is delayed you should know exactly how it works. In women, the menstrual cycle should last between 21 and 35 days , counting from the first day of the period to the next. However, in most women the rule lasts about 28 days. The duration of the menstrual period can vary from 2 to 7 days, in which the inner layer of the uterus, the endometrium, is detached, accompanied by blood that is expelled through the vagina. Once this process has begun, pre-ovulation takes place, which tends to last from day 8 to day 13 of the cycle. It is at this time when the main female hormone, estrogen, is produced in the ovule. After ovule maturation, ovulation begins on days 14 or 15 of the menstrual period. These days the woman is fertile, so she can get pregnant without having sex without protection.

Once the stage in which the woman is more fertile is over, the post-ovulation phase takes place, in which the ovum is expelled through menstruation, as long as it has not been fertilized by a sperm, repeating the same process again .

How to know if the Rule is Delayed because I am Pregnant

A woman can tell if she is pregnant 15 days after having unprotected sex. This is the time necessary for the hormone that indicates whether a woman is pregnant through urine to be expelled. To know if the rule is delayed, you must calculate the day on which your last menstruation ended. However, remember that a delay can not always be caused by pregnancy.

How many days can the rule be delayed

Many women suffer from irregular menstruation , so they are accustomed to the beginning of the rule every month. This fact is sufficient reason to visit a gynecologist, since it can be treated and corrected to achieve a stable menstruation. However, there is a greater concern in women who wonder how many days the rule can be delayed if you are regular, not being used to irregular periods.

Taking into account that a stable menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, the truth is that this can vary from one woman to another, depending on their physical characteristics. So, to know how many days the rule can be delayed we should extend the period to 23 or 36 days , taking into account that it can be advanced or delayed. In the event that menstruation is delayed more than 35-38 days, you should go to the doctor, both to determine if there is a health problem or if you are pregnant. 

Take into account the factors explained above, since in the event that the rule is delayed without being pregnant, it is likely that one of them is the cause.

How many days can the rule be delayed with birth control pills?

Hormonal contraceptives are one of the most effective and used to treat menstrual irregularity. Some women have used this contraceptive method as one of the ways to delay menstruation , since the menstrual cycle is altered causing it to start later. Thus, contraceptive pills may be one of the reasons why the rule is delayed by the use of two cycles followed by this method of contraception. However, it is not good to delay the rule in this way because hormone levels are altered. It is best to consult with the gynecologist.

How many days can the rule be delayed after taking the next day's pill

The morning after pill is an emergency contraceptive method that prevents pregnancy for 5 days after having unprotected sex. Its effectiveness is 85% if it is taken within these 5 days and it is recommended to take it as soon as possible. This pill contains hormones that exert an anti-ovulatory effect. So in addition to inhibiting the release of the ovule also makes it difficult for sperm to reach it. This can produce hormonal alterations that result in a delay of the rule after taking the pill the day after. It is normal for menstruation to start within 7 days of the expected date, and may experience a delay of up to 3-4 weeks from the day you took the pill the day after. However, go to the gynecologist if you have taken the pill the day after and the rule has not dropped you on the expected date.

If you want to read more articles similar to How many days Period be Delayed without being Pregnant.  We recommend that you enter our category of Sex Relationships .

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