How to Eliminate Gases with Baking Soda
March 11, 2018Sodium bicarbonate is a product that you usually have at home. It is used for cooking in order to soften some products, such as legumes. However, it also has uses that are useful from the point of view of health.
It has benefits for the digestive system, making system, on easier, apart from avoiding or helping to eliminate gas and abdominal swelling. Some functions for which it can be taken in different ways. We explain how to eliminate the gases with baking so you can say goodbye to that annoying problem.
Why is Bicarbonate Good for Gases
As we have commented previously, sodium bicarbonate is good for the digestive system and, specifically, for gases. The key is that, when taken, a reaction with stomach acids is generated. This produces carbon dioxide, which is what promotes the expulsion of gases.
An action that is favored because it also develops an alkaline pH, which dissolves and which facilitates digestive problems such as bloating, indigestion or heartburn, among others.
Home Remedies to Expel Gases with Baking Soda
To eliminate gases with baking soda, there are several options. Many of them are traditional and have been passed down from generation to generation. These are the most popular recipes and they work very well to end this problem:
With water: The bicarbonate has always been taken with a little water. It is the most common way. The preparation is simple. You should only put half a tablespoon of baking soda in half a glass of water. It is stirred well so that it dissolves and is taken.
With lemon: Bicarbonate is also very effective if it is ingested with lemon juice. This citrus is beneficial for the digestive system, as it speeds up digestion and makes it easier for the stomach to empty more quickly. The way to prepare it is similar to the previous one. In fact, part of the half glass of water and half a spoonful of bicarbonate. To this mixture, three spoonfuls of freshly squeezed lemon juice are added. Stir well and ready to drink.
With Apple Cider Vinegar: The bicarbonate mixed with the apple cider vinegar is a very useful combination when the gases are not produced by a bad digestion or by the heaviness of the stomach, but by constipation. In this case, instead of adding the lemon to the basic mixture of water and bicarbonate, two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar are incorporated, which is effective to combat constipation.
Other Home Remedies for Gas and Constipation with Bicarbonate
The bicarbonate, apart from eliminating gases, is also beneficial to solve other ailments of the digestive system. In this case, it is better to mix it with other products to eliminate gas, bloating, heartburn or indigestion.
Bicarbonate with Mint or Mint: This helps eliminate gas and reduce abdominal swelling. One of the simplest ways to make this preparation is to make an infusion of mint tea or directly using fresh mint leaves. After letting it stand for 15 minutes, then just add a half teaspoon of baking soda.
Bicarbonate with Chamomile: The ideal combination to relieve gas, indigestion, and heartburn. The preparation is similar to the previous one. The first thing you should do is prepare the chamomile tea, then let it rest and add the half a tablespoon of baking soda.
Bicarbonate with ginger: These are two great allies of the digestive system. When taken together they not only help to eliminate the gases, but also act on belly inflammation and promote digestion. The process remains the same, make the infusion and add the bicarbonate.
Bicarbonate with Cinnamon: Another good formula to fight gases, apart from the swelling of the abdomen. The preparation is also to make an infusion or you can use a cinnamon tea and add the bicarbonate.
All these preparations help to eliminate gases, whether produced by digestion or constipation. We hope we have helped you to know how to eliminate gases with baking soda. Anyway, never forget to check with the doctor if you usually have this type of problem.
This article is only informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.
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