How to Improve Digestive System

March 19, 2018

We have all suffered from poor digestion, usually, because we abuse the amount of food or because we eat some food that causes havoc in our stomach. This discomfort is caused by the malabsorption of food and can cause nausea, abdominal pain, cramping, flatulence, acidity, reflux, and heaviness. To prevent bad digestion from becoming a habit, there are many tools that we can use: keep reading this article about how to improve digestive System!

Follow these Steps:

One of the most recommended tips by health specialists to improve digestion is to respect the schedule of meals. When we eat at odd hours or spend many hours without eating, the stomach is destroyed and the food is not well assimilated. On the contrary, when you eat every day at the same time, the biological clock becomes accustomed and favors digestion.

Increasing fiber intake is also advisable to improve digestion. Fiber, in addition to absorbing fat, allows intestinal transit to be regulated and prevents constipation, helping meals to be assimilated and disposed of more easily. Foods rich in fiber are vegetables, cereals such as oats, wheat, and whole grain products.

Water is an excellent ally for the stomach because it also intervenes in the proper functioning of the intestinal transit. The water cleanses the body helping to release toxins, which makes the process of digestion easier. It is advisable to eat at least eight glasses of water a day.

Chewing slowly and eating without hurry is very important to avoid indigestion, and that is that when we lead a hectic pace of life, stress affects the health of our stomach. Similarly, when we eat quickly and do not chew food well, the digestive system is more difficult to process food.

Eating a healthy diet is necessary to improve digestion. Foods high in fat and sugar are very harmful to the stomach and more difficult to process, so the idea is to eat a diet rich in vegetables, protein, and fruits. With regard to fruits, it is also advisable to drink juices to improve digestion.

When you suffer from poor digestion you must visit a health specialist to make a comprehensive check of the digestive system and rule out any possible stomach ulcer. It is very likely that the doctor prescribes some gastric protector to prevent food from continuing to cause poor digestion.

Reducing the consumption of alcohol and tobacco is ideal to promote good digestion. Both cigarettes and alcoholic drinks cause havoc in the digestive tract, being in many cases responsible for acidity, reflux, and gastritis. Avoid taking liquid with meals and in case you find it impossible, prefer water before a glass of wine.

It is common to hear that the heart is in the stomach, that is why emotions and nerves are felt more in this organ than in the cardiovascular system. Decrease stress, lower levels of anxiety and have a hobby that allows you to drain emotions is necessary to have a better digestion. Exercise can be very helpful to complete this step because disciplines such as swimming and yoga allow you to exercise your body and mind.

In addition to all these recommendations, it never hurts to use pharmaceutical products designed to improve digestion, because they will help your stomach to fulfill this important process in a fluid and without discomfort, ensuring maximum gastrointestinal health.

This article is only informative. We do not have the faculty to prescribe any medical treatment or make any type of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.

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